Stockpile Critical Information to Pursue a School Leadership Position

Many teachers covet a school leadership position as part of their career development trajectory. To accomplish this career step, your entry-level school leadership cover letter needs to show leadership experience and potential. Being resourceful will not only help you write a leadership cover letter that will impress, but also encourage you to think proactively about what skills and experience you need to acquire to strengthen your leadership application.  

High expectations are placed on a school leader. They are expected to hire and manage the teachers and administration staff, develop appropriate teaching curricula, and produce positive learning outcomes all while operating within a budget.

A women stockpiling information to pursue a school leadership position

Tips and Tricks to Write an Entry-level School Administrator Resume With Cover Letter Examples

The education leadership cover letter needs to portray a multi-faceted educator with proven ability to perform across all these areas. District representatives want to know how you can fix their staffing problems and improve academic performance. While it may sound like a tall educator order, many teachers have acquired the requisite leadership knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, I have repeatedly observed that these educational leadership skills are buried in a teacher resume and cover letter. If you want the job of an educator leader, here is how to reposition your resume application to reflect the skills, competencies and personality attributes required.

Add Leadership Keywords to Your Teacher Keywords

Although there is plenty of overlap, the educational leadership skills and personality attributes you bring to a leadership position differ from those applied in a teaching career. Spike your cover letter and resume with leadership qualities.

Remember to place emphasis on the all-important leadership personality traits, but back them up with examples to provide evidence you have these strengths.

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What skills does a leader in education need – administration, delegation, and organization?

It is important to mention activities, honors, and special skills. These activities can demonstrate skills the districts are looking for, such as leadership, organization, critical thinking, collaboration, teamwork, self-management, initiative, and the ability to influence others.

Follow these helpful tips on how to use keywords in a principal or administration resume.

Useful advice includes adding associations and related affiliations, especially those other education leaders may belong to. Show how you move in the circle of education leaders.

Demonstrate How You Develop Leadership Qualities in Others

Your job is to not only create a learning environment that teaches the core subjects but also to develop well-rounded students and prepare for them for the real world. An educator who thinks proactively about producing leadership attributes and other key life skills in students will prevail. They are showing they are investing in developing the whole person, and not only meeting the district academic performance and budget criteria.

Explain how you enhance student leadership and, if it currently falls under your purview, teacher leadership qualities.

Be Authentic

Express your capabilities with confidence, but don't exaggerate. Use natural language in simple, direct, and clear sentences. Don't try to impress the reader with unusual vocabulary or complicated sentence structures.

Communicate to the reader that you've done your homework and have a genuine understanding of the district's needs, mission statement, and philosophy. If you are submitting a deputy head teacher CV, also show how you are a dedicated and strong support arm for education leaders. A head of department CV should also focus on the ability to act as an effective liaison with the education board, district and community. Review the use of clear, direct and professional language in this assistant principal cover letter sample.

Use Contacts to Get Attention

Whenever feasible, use networking resources (industry contracts) to introduce yourself in the opening paragraph of your letter. If authentic, include a recommendation.

John Smith recommended I contact you to discuss how my leadership experience at XYZ School could add value to the administration team at your school.

Include references. Do not hold up your application in the recommendations pending stack. Whenever possible, get principal and head teacher reference letters. The hiring principal will be impressed if his peers feel you are fit for the leadership position.  

Personalize Your Letter

Write each cover letter separately, even if you use a prototype. Personalize each letter with a sentence or two designed to reflect sincere interest in the specific school district.

Write to the specific individual, if possible, rather than Dear Hiring Manager. Be sure you spell the individual's name correctly.

Finish with a strong closing statement indicating the action you desire. Take the initiative to request an interview. Make yourself easily available and tell the reader how to reach you. Provide a number that will be answered either by a person or by voicemail. If possible, include an email address. Review how to structure your teacher cover letter for the best results.

Reposition Your Application for a Leadership Position

Remember, all aspects of your application should be repositioned for the education leadership role you covet. This includes:

Review these 10 school administrator job interview questions and answers. They encourage you to think about your professional goals, reasons for a career transition and the skills you are bringing to the leadership position. Importantly, you can access the viewpoint of the hiring board and have a better idea of what they are looking for in a leadership candidate. After answering these 10 questions you should have more material for your entry-level school leadership cover letter and resume.

To prepare for your career advancement, read how to make a successful transition from teaching to administration. Also review career tips for education leadership roles.

Learn more about Candace Alstad-Davies by reviewing the about us page below. From that page, you can review testimonials and frequently asked questions.

Need some writing help making an exceptional school leadership application letter, resume, or CV curriculum vitae? Take the time to review and order one of our resume packages or individual services.

Have questions, please connect by sending an email to Candace or call toll-free at 1 877 738-8052. I would enjoy chatting with you.