Teaching Internationally – Finding the Perfect Job
Have you just graduated with a brand new ESL teaching certification? If so, you are probably seeking a teaching job, and looking to set the world on fire with the newfound skills you have acquired. Many people come out of college ready and eager to teach only to find that there are no local job vacancies. If you find yourself in this situation, or if you would just like a change of scenery, you should consider teaching internationally.
Schools abroad are looking to hire teachers from America, Canada, or the UK for various reasons. Sometimes, these schools want a native English speaker to teach English to their students, and other times, they may want to give their students an opportunity to be exposed to a range of worldviews. Schools abroad may even want you to educate their students about the customs of your home country to help them become active and educated participants in the global economy. This is beneficial for students, as exposure to a variety of cultures will enable them to learn to respect and understand cultural differences.
Quite frequently, schools abroad looking to hire foreign teachers are associated with the teacher's home country. These schools are set up to educate the children of expatriates or military members from the teacher's home country, who are living and/or working abroad. Every country has its own standard of education, so the Department of Defense, or other government agencies, often set up schools to ensure young citizens living abroad are kept on par with their peers at home.

The salary for teaching internationally can vary greatly depending on the location. Usually, government run schools will have similar pay to private schools in the teacher's home country. Some countries in economic turmoil may not be able to offer a salary that is competitive with those offered by domestic schools, but they often compensate for this by offering perks such as free housing or travel subsidies.
Upon making the decision to teach abroad, applying for a teaching post internationally is not as difficult as you might imagine. There are many agencies set up to assist teachers with international teaching applications, as well as locating and acquiring a job. If you have just finished college and are looking to teach internationally, you can contact your college to see if they have programs in place to assist you in finding an international teaching job.
Those which have study abroad are often prepared to assist graduates from the school where they graduated from to locate international work. Additionally, there are several job fairs, for international teaching positions, which are held annually in many different areas. You can also use the Internet as a tool and perform some simple searches using key terms such as "international teaching" or "teaching abroad". By doing this, you will find there are a host of organizations in places that will help you find the job of your dreams.
If you require more information or have any questions - Contact Candace at A+ Resumes for Teachers by clicking here or call toll-free 1-877-738-8052.