Do you know what you need to secure a college instructor job?
If you are one of the many professionals looking to start a career in higher education, you know it’s a transition you need to be prepared for to achieve the desired results. Whether you are coming from a K-12 education role or the corporate sector, becoming a college instructor has unique challenges and rewards.
As a new professor, there are lots of things you need to be prepared for concerning your new work environment. Find out what the university/college will expect from you in your new position to avoid any misunderstanding. As a new incoming professor, the college or university where you plan to work will have high expectations from you – don’t disappoint by being unprepared.
Recommended Reading: 4 Tips to Make a Career Transition to Higher Education Confidently
Bring Your Subject Knowledge and Expertise!
A college or university will be looking for a candidate with the appropriate credentials and degrees in teaching and the subject matter. They will also want a professor who has either had a minimum of three years’ experience in teaching or several years of related professional experience in their teaching field.
Additional items you needed to obtain a college instructor job
Firstly, to find a new college instructor job, you need to submit a college professor-focused resume that includes all of your teaching experiences, particularly in post-secondary and adult education. Highlight the accomplishments in formal and informal classes you facilitated.
Since you are applying for a college instructor job, the faculty human resources center will expect you to have the necessary skills and aptitude to teach at a higher level. But aside from these things, there are other important aspects that you should consider to make your teaching higher education career successful.
Many colleges and universities require new professors to teach various courses because of the accreditation requirements, although a master’s degree and at least eighteen graduate credit hours related to the subject area are among the minimum requirements for new professors.
The level of education required for a higher education position will depend on the college itself and the specialty of the college instructor job to which you are submitting your application for consideration. Four-year undergraduate institutions often prefer doctoral degrees, especially for full-time faculty. However, they may hire you for a new college instructor job with a master’s degree in education as an adjunct instructor depending on the demand during a particular semester.
Aside from the level of schooling required, the college professor must also be flexible. There are times when you may be called to teach in an adjunct college instructor position, and you should be able to “hit the ground running.”
In addition to the advanced degree required to secure a new college instructor job, there are other skills and various considerations that can determine your ability to succeed in your teaching career. For instance, excellent organizational skills, adaptability is highly valued.
Lectures must be organized and comprehensively structured so that there is a continuous and comprehensible flow of information from the instructor to the class. You should also have current and in-depth knowledge of the subject you are teaching and either practical or teaching experience in the subject area. Finally, having hands-on knowledge of teaching methods and strategies will also help you greatly when applying for a professorship.
Properly equipped yourself for a career change to a college instructor job from either teaching or private. Colleges are looking for subject experts, experienced educators, and those with expertise in educating adult learners. When targeting your job search, keep these aspects at the top of your mind to ensure a successful transition to higher education.
Always start your job search with a targeted, visually-appealing, keyword-rich, accomplishment-based higher education CV/resume and cover letter that will pass the applicant tracking systems and WOW the reader to ensure you get interviews.
If you need help, contact Candace at 1 877 738 8052 or send an email.