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Craft your library media specialist resume to communicate what unique, relevant skills you can bring to the position. When applying for a position as a library media specialist, it is the way you sell your value to the school district that will determine if you receive a job interview.
Highlight your authenticity using keywords is even more essential when considering the overwhelming number of job applications many job openings receive. But for you to provide unique information in your resume, you must have a good grasp of what essential skills are necessary for a librarian and media library specialist.
First, what are your academic credentials? Note, though, that some private schools do not require teacher certification before accepting someone for a librarian and media library specialist role. The more relevant your academic credentials, the more likely you are to get the job. If there is high competition, anything you can do to help you stand out will help you land the position.
Besides just academic qualifications, the successful applicant has to be ready and eager to work with students of all ages. If you have achievements that demonstrate your ability to work well with kids, listing them will give you a unique edge over other applicants.
The general idea of writing a librarian or media library specialist resume is to inform a potential employer of your skills, qualifications, and achievements.
The most common sections in a resume are the beginning profile or summary, core competencies or areas of knowledge, education, relevant work experience, and special interests. To successfully win an interview, you must draw a parallel between the credentials they list in each section and the attributes an employer is looking for in a new hire.
Do not forget any important details in your resume. At the same time, do not list extensive amounts of information. Leave specific in-depth details for the job interview.
The goal is to provide aspects of your background and skill set to stand out from the other applicants and make you appear the most suitable candidate for the job. For instance, you could communicate you don’t just have media library expertise but prowess in handling digital media equipment such as cameras and broadcast machines. As a librarian, familiar with online or digital libraries and how to integrate technology into the classroom.
A demonstration of the ability to supervise other library staff could come in handy. This ensures the school administration can rest easy knowing you have expertise in overseeing the library with minimal supervision.
A sense of customer service is also a key as this shows you will always strive to provide exemplary service to those frequenting the library. Closely linked to customer service is your public relations ability. If a candidate possesses public relations skills, they are better placed to be a good representative of the library in the student community.
Take the time to review a media librarian specialist sample and review the profile, keywords, and other pertinent details needed to create a resume. Build a resume to be “screened in” by the applicant tracking systems and then engage the hiring authority.
As you list your unique skills, do not forget that whatever skills you indicate must be demonstrable and verified independently. The worst thing that can happen to a candidate is to lose credibility in the school’s eyes because the information they provided turned out to be false or grossly exaggerated. Have examples or evidence to back up your claim of each core competency you include in your resume.