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Resume / Curriculum Vitae Help

How Education Keywords Add Magic to Your Academic Resume

How Education Keywords Add Magic to Your Academic Resume

Education keywords add magic to any academic resume or CV curriculum vitae. Adding relevant keywords to your school teacher, administrator, or higher education job search documents should be a priority. How do keywords do this, you might ask? Well, it all has to do with technology. Learn more about how school districts often screen academic [...]

How to Create a Montessori Teaching Resume

how to create montessori teaching resume

When creating a Montessori teaching resume, it is important to target the resume specifically toward the ideals and philosophy of Montessori education. Although a Montessori-focused resume will be formatted and similarly and contain similar content to a regular educator’s resume, there will be distinct differences that a Montessori school will be looking for in their [...]

If Transitioning Back to Teaching Use Past Experience

transitioning back to teaching? then use past experience

Transitioning back to teaching after a hiatus requires careful resume navigation to effectively showcase your experience and skills. While the conventional approach emphasizes recent work experience, highlighting relevant expertise from previous roles can be crucial if your most impactful experiences are further back in your career history. Here’s how to strategically position your value and [...]

Writing a Teaching Resume to Get a Job Offer to Teach

writing a teaching resume to get a job offer to teach

Writing a teaching resume to get a job offer does take time and effort. Digging into your past career experiences will allow you to uncover your teaching skills, strengths, accomplishments, and keywords to include on the resume. The resume’s primary purpose is to land an interview, not a job offer. When getting ready to start your [...]

What is the Appropriate Length for an Education Resume?

what is the appropriate length for an education resume?

The right length for an education resume seems to be one of the biggest concerns of teachers and other job seekers. It isn’t the resume length that should be the first concern; concentrate on the resume content and design. When developing a resume, people appear to get overly concerned with figuring out if a resume [...]

Place Your Teaching Job References on a Separate Page

place your teaching job references on a separate page

Job references are not included in your resume if you are searching for employment in North America. Your teaching resume and cover letter are your chance to tell potential school district representatives the value you can bring to their school district. If the resume impresses the employer, you’ll get a chance to say even more [...]

Education Keywords in a Resume Are Critical to the Screening Process

education keywords in a resume are critical to the screening process

Most schools use digital databases to search resumes for education keywords that teachers and administrators should include. This process means the district will search queries based on specific education keywords required in your resume to find candidates with specific skills they are looking for in a new hire. If your resume doesn’t have the targeted [...]