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Career Change to Education – The Quickest Path

quickest path to a career change to education

To secure a rewarding career change to education, you need to discover and efficiently use the critical steps necessary to move forward.

Are you ready to advance from possibly a state of “stuck in a rut” or “bored” in your present profession to a desire to do what’s necessary to build a joyful career change to education?

If you are a first-year teacher wondering how to write your resume or CV, look no further. Check out this in-depth blog post specific to writing a new teacher resume.

What is your reason for wanting to make a career change to education?

There are many reasons why people decide to switch careers: perhaps they are unhappy or unfulfilled with their current jobs, they are looking for more challenge and excitement, or maybe it is just time for a change. Regardless of the reason for wanting to try a new career path, you must know there is nothing wrong with making a switch and attempting a new venture, particularly when transitioning into something as fulfilling as entering the world of education.

Educating others can be an enriching experience. It takes a special person to connect with students and present information so learners of all styles can absorb and remember it. Regardless of the career you are coming from, others will tell you that instructors can make a real difference. It is important first to discover if you have what it takes to be a teacher, and then you must convince potential school district hiring authorities and principals of the value you can bring to the position.

How to Determine Your Dream Education Career

If you’ve decided to make a career change to education, that’s great! But your decision-making doesn’t end here. You need to figure out precisely what you want in your career in the education sector and determine what instruction area would suit you best. Most importantly, to ensure that you want to move forward with this career change to education. The Guardian has an informative post on what you need to know if you are considering changing careers into teaching.

1. First, you need to evaluate what you want and don’t want for your career. You may wish to specialize in an area you enjoy and are passionate about doing. Narrowing your job target will help you to target the options you selected in your resume and cover letter.

2. Research the various education sectors where you can pursue a career based on your skills and proficiency. If you are good at teaching, complete some preliminary research in this area and find out whether you can find opportunities to advance you professionally.

3. Identify your unique skills that you can use as leverage when seeking an employment opportunity in education. When making a career change, the skills you have that can transfer into teaching are important to highlight. These are called “transferable skills” and will help you land interviews if they are highlighted and written correctly throughout your resume and application letter.

4. Networking is important to get your career in the right direction. Your network contacts can lead to many potential job opportunities in education, and it can be instrumental in uncovering what you want to pursue.

5. Consider the assistance of a career mentor; they can help you evaluate the right direction and ask you thought-provoking questions to get you thinking. They have the right expertise and can help you avoid common career pitfalls.

6. After talking with a career mentor, evaluate whether there are other career opportunities in the education sector you never considered pursuing. By taking the time to research, you should also determine any areas of interest outside the school system.

7. you need to realize that you are in the preliminary stage of establishing your education career. Therefore, you need to enhance your experience relevant to the job position you want to pursue in this field.

8. Complete career training and skill development will help further your chances of employability. For instance, you must likely complete teacher training before applying for teaching positions. Most teaching positions require current teaching certifications. You may wish to check into the alternate route program many individuals have used to enter education.

9. Learn the basics of job hunting because this is important in realizing your career in education. How you present yourself to potential employers will matter a lot in determining whether you get the job. Focus your resume and cover letter to target the teaching position of interest.

10. Think about adaptability and the importance of being flexible. Like with any other career options, education is also a multifaceted industry. It would be helpful if you are willing to pursue other career alternatives when the position you want is not yet available. For instance, if you want to become an elementary teacher, you may first need to take a substitute teacher position or a teaching assistant job until you gain more experience in the classroom.

How to Make a Career Change to Education Quickly, Without Mistakes or Setbacks

Deciding where to start your new career will depend on your current education and work experience. If you are looking to transition into the educator role and have no relevant training or experience, then you will need to start from square one: earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. If you already have a bachelor’s degree but are in a different field, you may complete a second major or follow an alternative route program. State certification or licensure is usually required as well.

Once you have completed the necessary schooling and passed all related exams, analyze your work experience and determine any positions you may have held relevant to teaching. For example, maybe you led instructional courses or training sessions as a business manager, coached a little league baseball team, or volunteered for an adult literacy program. If you possess no formal classroom experience, then these are the types of positions you can showcase to demonstrate your teaching ability.

On the other hand, if you have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, you will most likely have participated in classroom observations, finished a teaching practicum, or served as a teacher’s aide/assistant. Any instructional or classroom experience you can highlight for potential schools is invaluable.

Next, you must dig for relevant teaching skills and keywords to include in your resume.

Ensure your resume positions yourself for a career change to education.

What skills or talents have I developed that will enable me to be an outstanding teacher? Look back to your schooling and past career(s). For instance, communication, problem-solving, time management, and leadership skills are necessary for establishing a productive learning environment. You should also possess patience, creativity, commitment, and compassion to understand and accommodate the unique needs of your students. These are all qualities that you must showcase for potential schools.

After you have determined everything related to the above categories, you can complete a resume and application letter package.

By highlighting related education, work experience, skill sets, and personal traits, you will capture the reader’s attention and appeal to the needs of his/her school or district. You may also want to write a philosophy of education statement, also called a teaching philosophy – a brief document detailing your beliefs about instruction, classroom environments, helping students, education as a whole, and your teaching goals – as many administrators will ask for one before the interview.

After Your Resume and Application Letter Are Targeted

It’s time to make a career transition to education by submitting applications.

You may want to search through the newspaper, take a look at your local school district’s website, or use a teacher recruiter site to find positions of interest to you. Apply to as many jobs relevant to your teaching area as possible, minding strict deadlines. The more resumes you submit, the better your chance of receiving a call for an interview.

When called for an interview, research the school and its district to prepare and tailor your responses to interview questions. You should prepare for the opportunity of meeting with a school administrator or perhaps a panel of individuals (if you make it past the initial screening).

After the interview, make sure you send a thank you letter promptly.

A career change to education IS possible if you equip yourself with the right action plan. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be off to a great start in finding your second career.

For more information or assistance with your resume or other areas of your job search, please contact Candace at 1 877 738-8052 or by email.
