Do you know how to become a high school principal? An education leader has a very responsible management position and will require you to have the right educational background and skills needed to perform an excellent job. It will take years of study to become a principal, but it is worth the while. If you [...]
School Principal / Administrators Job Search Help
Do you know what you need to secure a college instructor job? If you are one of the many professionals looking to start a career in higher education, you know it’s a transition you need to be prepared for to achieve the desired results. Whether you are coming from a K-12 education role or the [...]
Prepare for your school administrator job search with these school principal job interview questions and answers to ensure you are in the zone during the meeting. Ace your next administrator job interview and land a job offer by being fully prepared to communicate the value you can bring to the school community. How you answer school [...]
An assistant principal’s resume must include solid administrator accomplishments to communicate leadership competencies and provide evidence effectively. This means uncovering and showcasing relevant achievements and real success stories in your school administrator resume is vital to job search success. How to Communicate Relevant Leadership Accomplishments in Your Resume Be Honest It is essential to avoid [...]
Skills and work experience are often among the best qualifications you can bring to an administrator position when you want to pursue a career in administration. As well, you will need to prepare a strong answer to the question, “what skills can you bring to this job?” And while it is important to answer this with your basic skills and personal achievements, you must also make sure that your answer is relevant to the forthcoming interview questions as well as the administrator job description.
As an education leader, you should use effective principal leadership practices to uphold your school’s mission and vision. Understanding the nature of your leadership practices and how they can be implemented so teachers, students, and parents can help reach your vision is essential. The best educational leadership practices include having a clear vision with a [...]
CV writing is an important first step to making a successful career transition within a college faculty. If the time has come for you to transition from your current role as a college instructor to move into a college dean position, you have options to showcase your experience when writing your curriculum vitae (CV). What [...]