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Writing an Autobiography to Secure a Teaching Job

Writing an Autobiogrpahy to Secure a Teaching Job

You may be required to submit an autobiography when applying for educational positions at certain levels or in specific districts.

This document allows you to recount events in your life that have shaped who you are and have impacted your desire to teach.

An autobiography is a concise summary of a person’s life. To write a successful document, you do not need to start with “I was born in 1965 in Los Angeles, California”. Create a captive beginning to set the tone and entice the reader to continue reading. 

If you have come from another country, you can always mention that and specify when you moved to North America. This provides an excellent background on developing your beliefs and practices and demonstrates your willingness to change and adapt.

If you cultivated a passion for teaching and education early on, mention that. Perhaps an outstanding teacher encouraged you to take up the profession. This is an excellent place to begin. However, after obtaining other degrees or working in unrelated jobs, some educators did not develop that love for teaching until later. If this is the situation you find yourself in, start there and explain how certain events changed your outlook and encouraged you to become an educator.

As you can see, there is no set formula for writing an autobiography as you can see when you review this autobiography sample is for an educator. Begin the document with either where you grew up and how it shaped you, something influential from your childhood, or your post-secondary education, whether a formal degree or alternative certification. Include what post-secondary education you took and

Include your post-secondary education, where, what specialized courses you were enrolled in, and when you completed it. Suppose the degree is directly related to education. In that case, you can mention specific courses that piqued your interest or drove you to establish specific teaching techniques or pursue a particular path (i.e., a Master’s Degree or becoming a Special Education Teacher).

If applicable, mention if you are married, how many kids you have, their ages, and how they influence your drive to help other children. Furthermore, your autobiography can contain brief accounts of difficult times that have made you stronger, changed your outlook, or influenced you to switch careers or become a teacher.

Incorporate what you learned from these difficult situations and how you became a well-rounded and better person because of life challenges. Reflect on how these experiences have influenced your career, teaching style, and philosophy. 

Include an account of your employment history. You do not need to list each if you have taught at numerous schools. That is what your résumé is for. Instead, summarize your various teaching (or non-teaching) positions. If you worked with one type of student more than any other, you might wish to highlight this and express why you have chosen that education sector.

You may wish to conclude your document by mentioning your hopes and dreams, future career moves, or goals you would like to accomplish while serving as an educator. Keep your autobiography to approximately one page (one full page preferably, depending on employer specifications), ensure you are truthful, do not add fluff or filler, and remain concise and non-repetitive.

We can help by writing an autobiography that shows your authenticity. It is an added career marketing document to show your value proposition and generate interest.

Please review our biography service.