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Develop a Feasible Job Search Plan for Landing a Teaching Job

Develop a Feasible Job Search Plan to Land a Teaching Job

Are you searching for tips on how to develop a job search plan to secure a teaching job?

Effectively map out a job-hunting strategy in advance to increase the chances of landing a teaching job quickly. To start the process, you will need an effective teacher resume and cover letter targeted towards the teaching role you desire.

Set daily and weekly job search objectives, this will give you a concrete way of evaluating your job hunting progress. Objectives will hold you somewhat accountable for your actions. If you plan on doing something, chances are you will make it happen if it’s written on paper.

The next step of your job search plan.

Determine the amount of time you are willing to allocate to job hunting, including identifying target districts/schools, researching job openings, making contacts, and follow-up. Setting a realistic period of time for each task will ensure you find time for all these steps, and keep your job search organized.

Lastly, organize your job search days just as you would a regular workday. Keep it professional and organized and you will notice that you accomplish more. Schedule at least one job search-related activity away from home each day to get you out into your community and energized.

Don’t forget to record all your appointments, activities, and results related to your career.