Teachers that structure lessons minimize student boredom and increase the chances that practical subjects are greeted more favorably by students.
This process doesn’t mean we can’t structure classroom-based lessons effectively to make them more appealing.
It is vital because most disruptive students can’t handle unstructured time. If your lessons aren’t packed with appropriate, exciting tasks and don’t have more up your sleeve for emergencies, you could come across student boredom.
All lessons should aim to set forth a clear objective that lets students know what and why they are learning, include breaks and changes in activity, interaction and participation, a fun activity, and a conclusion.
Give your lessons meaning so students will keep actively engaged, which will help with their comprehension and behavior.
Students will have extreme difficulty if they are expected to sit still and listen to information or perform activities they either don’t fully understand or have no interest in whatsoever.
As their teacher, you have a choice in how information is presented to your students, and it is essential to put forth an effort to reach them.
Create lesson plans to ensure they are properly structured:
- Clear Objective: Students should know why they are learning something and the particular relevance to their lives. They should understand what they should know by the end of the lesson. This will help them to have a goal of optimizing their learning.
- Changes in Activity: Sitting still on a hard chair for a whole lesson can be difficult, especially if you are bored. Change up the classroom activities and get your students moving. When possible, bring a real-life connection to the classroom.
- Make the Lessons Fun: Lessons need to have something your students would consider fun or get bored. This is where creativity comes in and devising unique participatory activities.
- Interaction: Lessons should not be a one-way street; students need to participate in their learning and comprehension actively. Implement integrated activities with the curriculum when possible.
- Summary Points: At the end of the lesson, summarize the main points, and ask the students questions to check for their listening and comprehension of what was just taught.
Create lessons to differentiate to meet the needs of all learnings, including those with exceptional learning.
Students should not be expected to sit still and listen to information or perform activities they either don’t fully understand or have no interest in.
That’s why it’s important to understand you choose how you present information to your students. The positive effort you put into reaching them, the more you will get out of them.
Check out this resource for more instructional tips.