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A Teaching Portfolio Should Include a Philosophy of Education Statement

a teaching portfolio should include a philosophy of education statement

Include a statement of philosophy of education in a teaching portfolio to communicate your unique qualities and personality. A statement of teaching is approximately a 600-word narrative and is used to communicate your values and beliefs of teaching.

Take some time to reflect on your values, beliefs about education, and experiences as an educator. Consider questions such as:

  • What do I believe is the purpose of education?
  • What are my core values as an educator?
  • What motivates me to teach?
  • What do I hope to achieve through my teaching?
  • What are my beliefs about how students learn best?

The educational statement may discuss how you think learning occurs, your teaching style, what impact you hope to have, and any other details that show your passion and authenticity.

Teachers seeking jobs in today’s market need to use every job search tool at their disposal – the teaching job market is very tough in some geographical areas. Use every advantage you can during your job hunt.

A strong, visually appealing teaching portfolio is one of the most valuable job search tools a teaching candidate can possess. A teacher’s portfolio can contain a variety of different pieces of evidence that work to demonstrate their ability as a teacher. Your teaching portfolio should allow prospective school districts to envision how effective you will be as a new teacher in their school.

Writing a philosophy of teaching statement or philosophy of education statement and including it in your teaching portfolio will increase your chances of securing an interview. It is an added job search marketing document.

Most education training programs require their licensure candidates to compose a philosophy of teaching. This paper should contain several paragraphs that communicate your passion, thoughts, and beliefs about education and outline the principles you consider essential in educating students.

What teachers include in their statements will vary for each teaching candidate. Having a copy of this philosophy in your teaching portfolio is useful so interviewers can read it and gain insight into your approach to the teaching profession.

Items to Include in A Teaching Portfolio

Resume Targeted for a Teacher Position

Be sure to include an up-to-date resume in your teaching portfolio. While your interviewer may already have a copy, they may want to glance at it during the interview or check to see if you brought it to the meeting. Having a copy you can quickly provide is a sign of preparation.

Licensure / Certification

Place your most current licensure or certification in your teaching portfolio. Doing this will give you the paperwork to show your credentials on hand should the interviewer want a copy. It allows the prospective employer to review the specifics if needed. They can then determine if you would be qualified for the position. Organize your portfolio to confirm your professionalism as a teacher.

Test Scores

Include all test scores, regardless of the quality, in your portfolio. You may have something to hide if you do not include individual test scores. Even if your test results were insignificant, you should have that documentation as long as you passed.

Letters of Recommendation

Solicit recommendation letters from college instructors, past supervisors, and other educators or administrators with whom you have worked and can attest to your positive contributions. Schools will frequently want to see recommendations or a list of references to contact. Save yourself time and have the letters in advance.

Student Teacher Performance Evaluations

If possible, incorporate samples of past evaluations from student teaching or previous teaching roles into your portfolio. Exclude any negative assessments. Since your prospective employer lacks insight into the frequency of your evaluations, prioritize showcasing a diverse selection. These evaluations offer concrete proof of your teaching capabilities, reinforcing the strengths emphasized in your resume and philosophy of education statement. Including a variety of assessments underscores your adaptability and effectiveness as an educator.

Sample Lessons Plans

An assortment of relevant, engaging, and interactive lessons is essential to any quality teaching portfolio. Including high-quality, standards-based lessons in your collection will impress interviewers and show that you are an organized and passionate educator.

While assembling a quality teaching portfolio is essential, some interviewers will not pursue its content. Don’t impose the collection on those who do not wish to view its contents. Please keep it for those school administrators who are interested in it. 

Wrapping it Up!

A quality teaching portfolio can help you obtain the teaching job of your dreams. Take time to assemble a professionally content-rich binder of your work artifacts. Have the portfolio ready when a teaching opportunity knocks.

Do you have any suggestions for organizing a teaching portfolio? Please comment and share your experiences.