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5 Ways to Leave a Bad Impression in Your Interview

5 ways to leave a bad impression in your interview

When interviewing for that all-important teaching position, the last thing you want to do is make a horrible first impression on your potential future supervisor. In a job interview, you want to be likable and win over your interviewer by creating a great impression and connection. Avoid these things at all costs during any job interview.

1. Excessive Smiling

Being pleasant is always a good idea, but don’t go overboard into seemingly dopey. Smiling too much can make it evident to your interviewer that you are overly nervous. It can make situations pretty uncomfortable. If you’re putting on a smile to seem cheery but are asked a question of a serious nature (e.g., “How would you deal with a student who comes to you about being abused at home?”), A smile comes across as a lack of professionalism.

2. Sweating

Remember to wear lighter clothing if you have a problem with controlling your nerves and are prone to sweating when nervous. An interviewer will not want to shake your clammy hand or see your sweat stains. Wear a light undershirt that is designed to soak up excess perspiration.

Pro tip: arrive 30 minutes early rather than 15 to give yourself a chance to relax and cool down before your interview. Spend the first 15 minutes decompressing in your vehicle or the restroom. Take time to rinse off your face or pat dry if you’ve been a sweaty mess on the ride there.

3. Inflating or Lying About Past Performances

Nobody likes an exaggerator, and your potential employer will be able to sniff out your lies. If you get the job based on the lies you told in the interview, chances are you will end up being over your head. Additionally, it could be grounds for termination if the lies come out after you’ve been hired.

So don’t exaggerate. Period.

4. Distasteful Jokes

You may think it would be a good idea to lighten the mood with a few jokes, but humor is very subjective and is way too risky to attempt in an interview. One wrong move, and you’ve gone from “polished and professional” to “gaudy and tacky” in an instant. A little humor is a good idea, but only if you know what you are saying is appropriate. Trend carefully. 

5. Paint Your Past Employers and Experiences in a Negative Light

You may have intensely disliked your time at a particular school or district, but painting your employer negatively can make you come across as a whiner and make your interviewer want to dig deeper into the situation by calling your employer to discover the truth. It shows you didn’t make the most of your prior experience and dwelled on the negatives.

As an educator, you need to come across in the interview as confident, knowledgeable, and friendly. These five no-nos will sabotage your worth by taking attention away from your skills and abilities.

Are you ready for your next job interview? It will either make or break your chances of receiving a job offer. If you fail to plan… you plan to fail.

This is true, and I have seen it happen to extremely qualified educators like you. If you need help gearing up for your job search, don’t hesitate to reach out to me today.