Can you answer the following teacher interview question:
How would you teach a class if some students did not know how to read yet?
It is essential that the response you give to the job interview question is truthful, relevant to the position, and shows value to the school district. The following could be a possible answer, or it may provide some ideas for you to tailor your response:
I have found that the inability to read is a fairly common problem, especially in lower economic groups or with students of parents who don’t have the resources or skills necessary, like teenage moms.
I try to tie my literature to things the students already know about or their prior knowledge to combat this problem. I start with letter recognition. For 30 minutes each day, I set a reading time for my class.
During this time, I provide book baskets with all interest levels and ability levels at each group’s table to read during free reading time/ SSR.
I then listen to each child read one of the three books they have chosen and show them how to walk through the book through pictures, looking at the pictures to get an idea of what’s happening, then sounding out the word sounds, etc.
I have the students work in small groups and brainstorm ideas while I write about things they know and like. I write a book based on their opinions that they have authored.
To accomplish this, I use leading questions, such as:
“Let’s write a story together. What do you want to write about?
The star pupil of the day gets to choose the topic.
Who is in the story?
Where does it take place?
What does this person look like?” etc.
When it is done (usually takes 1-2 days), the class will continue choral read the story. I will have word wall words listed that they can use to identify the story.
I have found that when it comes to teaching reading to a group of students at a variety of different ability levels, it is best to divide the class into multiple ability groups.
It is easier for students to learn, as well as gain confidence in this way. I run my group time and center times this way. I change the children’s groups to ensure children get to work with different students to broaden their learning.
How would you answer this interview question?