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How to Make a Career Change from Corporate to Teaching

transition from a business career to teaching

Transitioning from a business career to teaching doesn’t have to be highly challenging if you identify your transferable skills and relevant accomplishments. After identifying these key components, you must communicate them in your resume and cover letter.

Conduct a self-assessment to determine your motivation for the job change, assess your qualifications, and evaluate the skills you possess and need in the desired position. 

Communicating your transferable skills and accomplishments in your resume and job interview is vital. These skills include organization, leadership, communication, problem-solving, adaptability, and time management. 

Over the last twenty years, I have worked with many non-education professionals who quickly and easily switched careers to teaching.

If you wonder if a career transition is right for you, there are warning signs to indicate it’s time for a job change.

Quite a few people move from a corporate position and join the teaching profession because they believe changing careers can be gratifying and exciting. Various reasons can bring on a desire to change careers. Job seekers could be looking for something more rewarding. Or, maybe it was a profession they longed to be a part of but never got a chance.

Whatever the case, changing careers to teaching can be challenging if you’re not prepared for the job transition. Research the teaching/education field and explore various roles and requirements, such as licenses, certifications, etc. Figure out your true passion and what grade levels you wish to teach. 

Tips to Move from a Business Career to Teaching

As a teacher, you assume many roles, such as classroom manager, counselor, role model, and disciplinarian. These functions require skills not always taught in college. Developing these skills to enhance your career takes time and usually happens over several years. Teaching requires an appropriate temperament, passion, skills, and personality. Be willing to go the extra mile for your students.

As a teacher, your workday doesn’t end when the students leave for the day. A conscientious
teacher will stay behind after hours to assist the struggling students, grade and assign homework, and participate in after-school meetings and committees.

Teacher training programs are present in every state. Various online courses and degree programs are available for those who cannot enroll in classes. Be attentive when deciding which program to take because many options are offered. Select a program with a strong base, regardless of whether you prefer to teach at the elementary, middle, or high school level.

Questions to Ask About Moving from a Business Role to Teaching

When considering embarking on a career change to the education sector, ask yourself some questions to ensure it’s the right job transition. Plus, follow specific guidelines to make the switch easier. First, do some self-reflection. Take the time to identify why you want to make a career change. Weigh the pros and cons of the new job and make a logical decision.

Research different types of careers to aim your choice of jobs to your passions. The amount of research you’re doing should match the career change that you will be making. It is essential not to make drastic changes that might frustrate you instead of being excited.

It would be wise to scrutinize the transferable skills from your corporate career and use them to target your teaching resume. Uncovering and communicating relevant, transferable skills will be critical to marketing yourself in your career documents and during a teaching interview.

Follow practical guidelines and smoothly transition from a business career to teaching. Thoroughly research before making the change to prepare yourself for everything a new job in education can offer.

You may be interested in our popular teacher resource guides as a new teacher. They contain information on various education subjects and will help you get your teacher job search moving forward.