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How to Break Free from Your Current Career

how to break free from your current career

Looking for a career change and do not know how to start?  Breaking free from a job you hate is critical to life happiness. Do you feel tired all the time and dread getting up every morning to prepare for work?

Don’t delay. Take action to make a career transition to secure a job you will enjoy going to each day.

Whether you are not happy with your current teaching career or not feeling fulfilled in your present career outside of education, it may be time for a change.

Maybe you are a bit burnt out and need to have a career change. Does this sound like you?  Start asking yourself what you want to do for the rest of your life. Recognizing job dissatisfaction is a key component to taking steps to move your career and life forward.

If it seems that a career change is one of the best solutions, but you are not quite sure how to start, here are some tips to help to navigate a successful career change, either out of or into education.

If it a career change is on your mind, but you are not quite sure how to start, here are some tips. Share on X

Career Change Action Steps and Tips

  • When planning a career change, it is important that you first evaluate your job satisfaction in your current employment. This process will ensure it is time to look for a new career and not just undergoing a particular phase or rut in your life when rest or a vacation suffices to get you back on track.
  • Evaluate your job interests and your skills through self-help exercises so you will know what to look for in your perfect job. Take time to review your previous employment records, including the positive contributions you made to your current career, to identify the right skills you will need to develop efficiently.

Evaluate Suitable Career Options

  • Analyze career alternatives by talking about your working skills and core values with other people like your friends, family, or coach. Visiting physical or online libraries for professional information can also help you obtain valuable career advice. Think about performing an initial comparative assessment of various fields to identify a shortlist of career targets to research.
  • Gain as much information about possible careers you are interested in transitioning into by reading about the job and qualifications necessary. If you think you are qualified, try to uncover some contacts in your network of friends and colleagues that can help you out with your job search.
  • It is best to explore all career alternatives that coincide with your personal skills and core values. You can also observe other professionals in a particular sector. Extensive research will help you gain a first-hand opinion about whether you will be successful in a work line and if you should pursue it.

Considering various alternative options in every industry for which you are qualified to work can help you decide whether it is time for you to change your career.

If you are unsure whether you should leave your current employer for employment elsewhere, consider asking your superiors to transfer you to another department with slightly different job responsibilities to give you a change of pace. Consider gaining a new endorsement or teaching area to give you a change of pace – you may be in a bit of a rut.

I wrote a recent blog post you may wish to read:

How to Test a Second Career Option Without Jeopardizing Your Job

Find more information about making a job transition to prepare to move your career forward as quickly as possible with less stress.

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