If you want to land a teaching job, you need an effective follow-up strategy. Having applied for a job by submitting a fantastic resume and cover letter, which landed an interview still does not guarantee you the position you are seeking.
In the education sector, there are many qualified and exceptional candidates applying for the few slots available. It often takes more than an impeccable resume and an excellent interview session to land the job.
Conducting an active follow-up is just as important as the other steps in your application procedure. Correctly following up after the interview can determine whether or not you get the job. Here are some ideas for you.
Two Important Follow-Up Tips
There are two steps to proper job application monitoring. The first step is to get an interview date after submitting your resume and other relevant documents. After your submission, give the hiring manager a week or two before placing a follow-up phone call.
Make your request simple, short, and to the point. State your name, the position you applied for, the date you submitted, and thank them while requesting information about the state of their search and when you could meet with them. If you encounter an answering machine, send a short reminder email with your resume attached. Once or twice a month is just enough so you don’t seem rude or too needy.
On the other hand, if you have attended an interview, you need to utilize a follow-up strategy. You have to be skillful and very careful here since you are just a few steps away from getting the job. Send a thank you email or note no later than 48 hours from the end of the interview.
In the message, thank them for meeting with you, reiterate your interest in the job, and say why you think you are the best candidate. Mention things you would have loved to say but forgot or were constrained by time on the interview day.
1) Pay Attention to Details
In your thank-you note, refrain from asking when the recruitment will make a decision. That’s a sign of desperation and insecurity. Make your note sound like you already have the job, but you are waiting for them to make up their minds. Your note is as important as your cover letter and resume, so watch out for misspellings and typos. Contact your references and put them on the alert in case the institution calls.
2) Don’t Always Rush to Follow-up After an Interview
Please give it a week or two before you make any phone calls. Asking for one or two business cards at the end of the meeting is expected. Please don’t be shy; asking for a business card will get you the right contact numbers, correct spelling of names, plus it shows you are interested in the interviewers.
Try to make your phone calls short and straight to the point of mentioning your name and the position of interest. Never call too often; calling and emailing too often will annoy the committee, and your chances of gaining the job offer will diminish.
Give it time and continue applying to other job vacancies. Even when you believe you’ll get the job, don’t stop job-hunting till you land one. If you don’t get the job, accept the news with a sense of responsibility, ask for feedback, and forge ahead.
Executing professional follow-up strategies can make the difference between you and another qualified individual getting the job. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show the hiring committee you’re the best person for the job.
If you need help crafting a follow-up message or any job search document, connect with Candace today.