Education Job Search Help for Teachers, Administrators, and Other Educators

Searching for a position in the field of education? You've come to the right place! We don't list teaching jobs, but we do have excellent resources and services to make your job search a success.

One of the most effective online job networking tools used for the job search is social media:

Education Job Search Help for Teachers

A LinkedIn profile is an excellent way to highlight your career experience, formal education, skills, related interests, and other credentials. It's an effective way to network, put yourself out there as a potential job candidate, research and target desirable companies, and job hunt.

If you are looking for a new job, building an appealing LinkedIn profile is a great first step!

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7 Unique Job Search Steps, Tips and Strategies to Increase Career Success

  1. Schedule job interviews for the beginning or end of the working day.
    Even though you have probably mentally checked-out on your current position, it is crucial that your existing job not suffer while searching for a new one. As far as your schedule is concerned, it would be wise to schedule your job interviews before your working hours start or at the end of your day. If this is impossible and you have to leave for an interview in the middle of the day, either suggest that you take a vacation day or ask your employer if you can make up your time during your lunch break.
  2. Do not place money as your top priority.
    I know this point sounds a bit hard to take, considering today's economy; however, you should take the time to think about the areas where your knowledge and skills could be implemented. Think about your job as an investment that is going to pay off in new knowledge, new experiences, and satisfaction. Money should be regarded as a natural consequence of a job that you love to do, and not your primary objective.
  3. Work on you.
    Most of us are constantly working on self-improvement and career development. If you have not already developed the habit of working and developing yourself, this may be a little more challenging. However, do not fret because it is never too late to cultivate this habit. This is an important prerequisite to career success, which allows you to build ascending and successful career opportunities, and will show administrators just how serious and committed you are to your professional future. Employers love an individual who is devoted to professional development, as it exhibits passion and drive for achievement.
  4. Maintain your physical and mental well-being during the job search.
    This may sound a bit trivial at first, but it is scientifically proven that physical activity not only enhances your physical health, but also gives you more strength for mental work and a clearer mind. Moreover, by taking care of your physical condition and appearance, you will feel better about yourself, be more confident, and will have additional positive energy at your disposal.
  5. Start writing a blog and comment on blogs.
    Blogs can be a valuable means used by professionals to enhance their job hunt. With appropriate quality posts, you can easily become noticed, while with commenting on the blogs of the people you would like to work with. This can be a nice way to get into a conversation with someone within a school you would like to work for. Believe it or not, bloggers do notice people who leave quality comments on their posts.
  6. Self-assessment is crucial.
    Honest reflection and self-assessment can be a struggle; however, you should reflect on your current knowledge and skills, and figure out your personal and employment strengths and weaknesses. Now would be a great time to work on improving your current advantages and strengthening your weak points. By achieving this, you will gain more confidence and perhaps decide to branch out into a field you have not previously considered.
  7. Be your own cheerleader.
    It is crucial to ensure you are free from self-doubt in order to succeed within the job hunt. It is easy to succumb to sadness, worry, or depression, but do not allow it. Remain positive! You must believe in yourself, as you are your own cheerleading section on the venture.
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Hire Candace, with 16+ years direct experience as a career coach, to be YOUR job search coach.

Below are articles we have written on education job search tactics. These tips have also appeared in our past free bi-weekly newsletters. If you need one-on-one job search assistance, career coaching, or help building an effective LinkedIn profile, contact Candace by clicking here or call toll-free 1-877-738-8052.