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14 Job Search Tips for Teachers Relocating out of State or Country

14 Job Search Tips for Teachers Relocating out of State or Country

Teachers relocating to another country or state may need answers to numerous questions to make the best decision.

Quickest and most effective techniques to get a job in another state before moving there.

How far in advance should I apply for a job out of state?

What process will I take to relocate to another state without a job?

Discover the best methods to conduct a job search out of state or country.

Suppose you are relocating to another state or country. In that case, there is not only the hassle of the physical move but also the uncertainty that comes with a new school district, a new homeroom, and the possibility of new teacher licensing.

Below are 14 job search tips for teachers relocating out of state or country. Consider these strategies when looking for a new teaching position to alleviate some of the stress of moving.

Teachers Relocating – Get Your Job Search Off to The Right Start

  1.  Start Your Search Early

It will be beneficial to begin planning your move as soon as possible. If you are moving your entire family, getting things squared away is an added hassle. Set time aside to research your new location, district, or country early on so significant aspects of the relocation don’t bog you down. Make it a priority to research location, licensing, and job opportunities early on so you are not stressed out about it when you make that move. 

  1. Transfer Your Licensing/Certification

Learn about the licensing and certification requirements of the state or country you are moving to ahead of time, as it may take up to a year to become properly certified. If you take the time to look into what certifications are required before your move, you should have ample time to plan for the testing dates and potentially save up for the extra costs of obtaining the correct credentials.

If your new district requires special courses, you may be able to complete them online before your move to be certified when you arrive in the new location.

It may be possible your application gets put to the side if you do not have the correct credentials despite being fully qualified in education and experience. You are far more marketable if you have taken the time to become certified and gained the proper state licensing, even though they may not be required, as with charter or private schools. 

  1. Search by State/Country

There are several websites where you can search for schools looking for teachers relocating from around the country. If you are moving to a specific state, include that in the search function to narrow the job search. Look on job boards, LinkedIn, and other social media applications to easily filter teaching jobs by state, grade level, school type, and district.

If you are moving out of the country, consider narrowing your search to those overseas countries looking specifically for foreign teachers. There are plenty of opportunities for native English-speaking teachers abroad. Make sure you do your research, as with any potential employer, to ensure you have the qualifications and make a good fit.

There are different steps to follow if you plan on relocating to Canada for a job.

  1. Take Advantage of Job Search Networking

The goal of networking is to create as much exposure as possible. If you have friends, family, previous colleagues, or college alumni in the state or country you want to relocate to, use them as part of your “marketing” team. They may have connections in the teaching industry and pass your name and credentials on to the right people.

The objective of using this method is word of mouth. If enough of the right people know that you intend to move to the district, your name will be at the top of the contact list when a position opens up, especially if it needs to be filled quickly. Also, reach out to former professors or superiors who may have moved to another country or state and let them know your intentions for the move. They may have the connections and be able to lend a hand in your job search.

  1. Utilize Social Media/LinkedIn

Teachers relocating can use social media to understand better current events in the area they are relocating to. This knowledge may help during an interview. Social media can help research teaching opportunities that have not been posted to a job search site or a friend has posted about them.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, then create one. If you have one, optimize it to get the best results. This is one site where you can build online networks within the city you are moving to. Join networks such as your grad school alumni group. Look to see if anyone you graduated with has moved to the city you are relocating to, and reach out to them with your intentions. They may have connections within the area you wish to move to and pass on your information to potential schools.

Prepare Your Job Search Documents and Applications

  1. Resume

Ensure that your resume is updated when you start applying for positions in the area you are relocating to. Take a close look at the required qualifications on the job posting and ensure that your resume reflects the information and credentials the district is looking for. If you need to update your licensing, start the process immediately and relay to the potential employers that you have instigated the process of gaining the required certifications for the state or country.

Another tip is to leave your current address off your resume and cover letter. Some, but not all, hiring managers or principals may disregard your application altogether if they see that you are not currently in the area.

However, if you are moving to another country, have the required skill set and teaching experience a school is looking for, and have conveyed that you are the right person for the job. The fact that you are from another country may not be a significant obstacle.

  1. Cover Letter

If there are no specific openings in your target district, consider sending your resume and cover letter to principals introducing yourself in the spring or mid-summer.

This is an excellent tip if you have a timeframe for when you will be arriving permanently or coming for a visit. A cover letter will introduce your skillset and let the school district know that you ARE moving to the area and not just THINKING about it. Let your potential employer know your intentions and introduce yourself in the letter.

You may not get a response immediately, but your information may be filed for future openings.

Another tip for teachers relocating to remember:

If you are applying for a job out of state, make it clear in your cover letter. Indicate you are moving to the area for a specific reason independent of the job and give them a date range. Let them know you will be paying for relocation costs.

  1. Be Honest

If you decide to leave your current address on your resume, cover letter, and social media accounts, then be prepared to address the relocation topic upfront. State the timeline for your move and that the relocation expenditures are your responsibility. If you are selected for an interview, ask whether a Skype, FaceTime, or phone interview is possible, but let them know that you are willing to make a trip there to speak in person if budget permits.

Do let your potential employers know any dates set for the move and any other plans related to your relocation. Being upfront and honest about your intentions to move will go a long way in the selection process.

  1. Teachers Relocating Need to Submit Online Applications

Most districts utilize online application systems to prescreen candidates and maintain a consistent candidate pool for the school. These systems pick out teaching buzzwords, required credentials, and any other requirements mentioned in the job posting. It is imperative that when you submit your documents to these online systems, you have the correct credentials for the position along with the necessary keywords. Otherwise, you will not get past the screening process.

  1. Send Follow-Up Letters/Emails

Once you have submitted your resume and cover letter or online application, it is a good idea to follow up with potential employers to see if there are any further questions you can answer for them.

Don’t overwhelm the recipient with correspondence; that may put a sour taste in their mouth, and you will be discarded as a potential candidate. If you do not hear anything from the hiring manager or principal, do not despair. They may not have responded because a decision was made to pass on your application and file it for future opportunities, or they may have passed it on to other schools looking for someone with your experience and qualifications.

  1. Apply for “Anchor” Positions/Fill a Need

Depending on the reason for your move, whether it be your spouse has been transferred, or you want a change of scenery, be aware that you may not obtain your dream job immediately. Considering that you are moving to another state or country with varying expectations for teachers, you may not qualify immediately in the new location.

If the move is imminent and you have a set deadline to get a new position, consider applying for a job you may be overqualified for. This may seem counterintuitive as you have worked hard in your current situation to gain the experience and education to teach at a high level, but this may be a strategy that gets your foot in the door.

Gaining employment as a teaching assistant or a substitute teacher, for example, opens doors within that district and shows potential employers that you are serious about the move and willing to work to establish yourself as a team-oriented and dedicated educator.

Searching for a job in another state can be difficult, but keep an open mind about where your job search will take you. Implement some best practices for job searching to optimize your time. Consider positions in a suburban versus urban area or a private versus public school to set roots. This allows you to become more acquainted with the site and make connections within the school community, thus establishing yourself and giving you time to showcase your professional skills and experience.

Get Ready for Long-Distance Job Interviews

  1. Practice Interviewing

Phone interviews are not something most teachers go through in the selection process, so it may seem intimidating to some when it comes down to discussing your qualifications, skill set, and why you would make an excellent fit for the position without sitting in front of an actual person. Phone and video interviews are common when moving to another country or state. Practice thriving in these uncomfortable circumstances to shine when the opportunity comes to put your best foot forward and win an interview this way.

  1. Plan a Trip for In-Person/Informational Interview

In-person interviews are the best way to demonstrate how you are the right person for the role. However, when it comes to relocating to another state or country, this may not be feasible for the initial introduction. Be prepared to take a trip or two to your intended location to attend job fairs, conferences, or informational interviews if it’s within your budget. Making an effort to meet with people and make those connections shows potential schools how serious you are about making a permanent move. It may also be possible to line up the job interview with other moving-related tasks you have, such as house hunting.

Stick to a Clear Job Search Plan

  1. Teachers Relocating Need to Set Goals

Finding a teaching position in another state or country can be lengthy, so begin it early and not leave it to the last minute, especially when you have other stresses related to your move to worry about. When challenges arise, be prepared to get through them by setting your expectations and goals for the job search. Remember that you may not get your dream job promptly, but that job will become more of a reality once you have established roots.

By utilizing these job search tips, prepare for the overall process of finding a new teaching position abroad or across the country.

Please call Candace at 1877 738-8052 or email her if you need help.