Are you writing a CV for a new teaching position with no experience in the classroom? Getting your CV or resume together is the first thing you must concentrate on before applying for your new career as an educator.
What type of teaching job would be ideal? Targeting your new teacher resume and application letter to target your first teaching position is essential.
Though this may seem like a daunting task, think of CV or resume writing as a chance to learn more about yourself while marketing your teaching skills and relevant experience to potential school districts.
Creating a resume or CV for a teacher with no experience can be challenging for most graduates. These resume writing tips for beginning teachers will assist immensely by providing ideas you may not have thought about incorporating. If you are moving into higher education, we have many tips for writing a college adjunct professor’s CV or resume.
If you have just completed your student teaching, teacher practicum experience, or educational internship, you will probably be eager to start searching for a permanent position as an instructor. Regardless of the subject or grade level you have chosen to specialize in, you must develop an appealing and convincing teacher CV or resume and application letter to ensure you land a teaching job interview.
Incorporating your education internship experience into your first-year teacher CV will be a key factor in generating interviews. Eliminate the thoughts you may have of having no experience as a teacher.
How to Make Your New Teacher CV Include Relevant Experience
Let’s start digging into your skills and experience and incorporate them into your CV or resume to get your phone ringing for a teaching interview.
Include student teaching and field experience.
Even if you think your teaching experience is minimal, it is likely more significant than you think! When crafting an educator resume, list your positions in reverse chronological order – from most recent to oldest. Incorporate your time as a student teacher intern, practicum student, and individual conducting field experience. Any experience spent in the classroom or with children is relevant and worth mentioning.
Expand on teaching skills, responsibilities, and achievements.
Don’t simply list your positions; discuss the duties you performed and the accomplishments that resulted from your effort. Responsibilities you will want to touch on include lesson planning, instruction, classroom management, technology integration, student assessment and motivation, and individualized assistance, to name a few.
Make sure you do not copy and paste your teaching duties from one position to the next. Reword responsibilities and highlight different traits in each job.
Digging for and implementing relevant teaching or instructing achievements in your student or beginning teacher resume is essential. These accomplishments concretely demonstrate your teaching abilities and will help impress the reader.
If you struggle to develop teaching achievements, use the CAR acronym – Challenge, Action, and Result. Think of a particular challenge or problem you faced; describe the action you took to resolve or address it, and include the results.
Put uninterrupted time and thought into this process; your achievements will be what set you apart from the other teachers with little or no experience.
Incorporate teaching-related experience.
Your new teacher CV or resume doesn’t need to be limited to the formal classroom experience gained. When writing your beginning teacher CV or resume, include anything that may apply to the field, such as a camp counselor, tutor, librarian aide, nanny, or daycare provider. Under each position, mention the duties that have helped prepare you to be a classroom teacher.
Highlight related volunteer experience.
Do not underestimate the importance of volunteer experience or community involvement, especially when relevant. Your student teacher’s resume should include a separate header for this section. As with listing formal classroom experience, include where you performed your volunteer work and the dates you worked.
Remember to showcase your education and credentials.
Post-secondary degrees and certifications/licenses need to be on the first page of your entry-level teacher resume. Write down the full name of your degree. For example, Bachelor of Arts in Education), major, school attended, and year completed.
The education section should include any current certifications you have earned. Mention the state or province in which you are licensed to teach, the grade levels, and subject matter certification.
Don’t skimp on teacher professional development.
Devote a separate area near the end of your new teacher’s resume for professional development. This section should highlight the various courses, workshops, extra classes, in-services, and conferences you attended. Growth and learning are excellent ways to showcase your commitment to continuing education.
Use education terminology and job title keywords.
By incorporating industry terminology and phrases, if appropriate, seasoned teachers would use, you can convey the experience to the reader. You will want to include specific keywords to ensure your resume passes the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software.
Examples of resume keywords are a growth mindset, blended learning, classroom management, differentiated instruction, technology integration, and 21st-century learning.
Don’t spam with keywords, but use some that are relevant to you. When you are discussing these topics, you will be communicating your knowledge. Intelligence in these education areas will show you can provide students with a high-quality education.
Integrate quotes or testimonials in your entry-level teacher resume.
Using testimonials from letters of recommendation or evaluations in your resume is an effective way of sharing your skills and abilities. By providing a quote from a supervisor within your actual new teacher resume, the reader will be able to confirm your teaching skills. An ideal type of testimonial to include is a mentor teacher, school administrator, college instructor, or professor.
An example of a statement would discuss how you could make the classroom come to life, reach out to challenging students, and maintain a well-behaved and goal-driven group of learners.
Additional resume writing tips to create a new teacher resume with no experience.
- Do not use pronouns.
- Start sentences with action words/verbs.
- Develop your resume in a commonly used word processing program.
- Incorporate white space to break up sections.
- Make your name stand out.
- Proofread. PROOFREAD.
- Use a unique layout.
- Incorporate a pop of color, a small graphic, and/or border.
- Keep the font type and size consistent.
- Format consistency between your beginning teacher’s CV or resume and cover letter is critical.
Review this in-depth post on how to choose the correct teacher CV curriculum vitae or resume format.
Don’t forget to brush up on writing a teacher application letter to complement your beginning teacher CV or resume.
Contact me, Candace, if you need help writing your beginning teacher resume, application letter, or other job search document. Review our resume and application letter packages and services on the website.