Writing a teaching philosophy statement with a resume and application letter will allow you to communicate authenticity.
Many educators are still unaware of the enormous benefit of writing and submitting a teaching philosophy statement as a job search document. Use it to your advantage. The philosophy statement is growing in popularity and is an added job search marketing document in education. When you organize your teaching portfolio, the message is a vital component.
Reviewing this example shows an understanding of what to include in a teaching philosophy statement.
Composing a quality, creative teaching philosophy can be complicated; getting started can be the hardest. My first advice for writing this important document is to ensure it reflects who you are.
Let your personality and passion for teaching and learning shine.
An educational philosophy will help you secure your first teaching job, a new position, tenure, or promotion. Write it concisely and appropriately to who you are as an educator. A well-written philosophy statement can set you apart from the competition and give you the earned advantage you need to receive a call after a teaching interview or secure a job offer.
There are many types of philosophy statements, including one related to digital educational leadership.
If possible, submit the statement with your resume and application letter. If you can’t include the statement with your online application, bring it to the job interview.
Aspects of Writing A Teaching Philosophy Statement
Usually, a teaching statement philosophy is one to one and a half pages, double-spaced, and illustrates an educator’s beliefs about education, learning, and working with students. The narrative covers numerous issues and must be concise; you don’t want to ramble on for over two pages.
The writing can vary, but most use a straightforward, narrative essay approach. More creative educators may use a poem format. Others may pose questions and then their responses.
You are communicating your values and beliefs of teaching in your philosophy statement to show passion.
Questions to Help Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement
- Why did you decide to become a teacher?
- Define what teaching means.
- What style of instruction do you use, and why do you feel it is effective?
- How do you wish to be remembered by your students?
- Why do you believe teaching is a valuable career?
- What do you do to help your students learn and develop as individuals?
- Was there a person who influenced your life and career as a teacher, such as a mentor, a theorist, a researcher, or an author?
- How do you think learning occurs?
- What obstacles do students face, and how can you help them overcome difficulties?
- What are your teaching characteristics and approach, and how do they impact your students’ learning and development?
Additional Components of Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement
The statement’s writing must be reflective, personal, and exceptionally concise. The reader will judge you on grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and your thoughts about teaching. It is critical to have a well-organized, thoughtful, and error-free document which gives a vivid picture of you as an educator.
Using examples or metaphors may help when writing a teaching philosophy statement. Realize your statement will change over time to correspond to your developing and changing beliefs, values, views, and teaching approach.
Writing a teaching philosophy statement will help you as an educator grow professionally. For example, it will help define classroom goals, increase emotional investment in their career, and enhance awareness. It is a highly thought-provoking exercise, and you must clearly articulate your goals, vision, and road map to achievement.
Call Candace toll-free at 1 877 738 -8052 or email her to learn about our comprehensive philosophy of education statement development service.
Candace Alstad-Davies, owner of A+ Resumes for Teachers, is always around to help with your job search documents and interview preparation. Check out Candace’s bio!