To prepare for the teaching job interview, consider interview coaching to alleviate any negative thoughts of attending a teacher job interview.
Whether it is an elementary teacher, social studies teacher, math teacher, English teacher, science teacher, or college or university instructor interview, you need to be prepared.
Do you feel…
You are not alone!
The prospect of attending a job interview can turn even the most confident person into a quivering wreck! With so much to think about when preparing for an interview, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The good news is, you can enlist the help of an interview coach.
What does an interview coach actually do?
An interview coach will guide you through every imaginable aspect of the interview process, from choosing the right clothes to wear for your interview to coaching you on solid responses to interview questions. The need for an interview coach is snowballing as the job market continues to get more competitive. Having an interview coach will give you a competitive edge, the one you need to land the perfect role.
What will an interview coach help me with?
Probably the biggest source of stress in preparing for a teacher’s interview surrounds what you may be asked. Your interview coach will have a wealth of experience preparing for interview questions and will have a good idea of what’s likely to be asked.
There will always be a specific element of the unknown in an interview; however, your interview coach will help you prepare stable, confident answers and show you how to present them in the best possible way.
But an interview coach’s help doesn’t end there! There are many other aspects of interview preparation where your coach will be of great help. These include:
• Choosing the best interview attire
• Making a good first impression
• Presenting yourself confidently
• Maintaining positive body language and appropriate eye contact
• Effectively communicating your passion for education and teaching students
With 16+ years of successfully helping teachers and administrators secure their desired positions, I felt the need to compile a guide that contained job interview questions and detailed potential answers.
Two guides are available, one for teachers and another for school administrators. If you are like everyone else who has purchased these eBooks, you will love the extensive, detailed information they contain. Many testimonials have been received from educators. To find out more about these great guides, follow the links below:
Instant Download containing 152 Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers.
Instant Download containing 152 Administrator Job Interview Questions and Answers.
One-on-one interview coaching session via phone is available to help savvy educational professionals gain the advantage over the competition – connect with me, Candace, to get a coaching session set up. Email or call toll-free at 1 877 738-8052.