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How to Brilliantly End and Close an Education Job Interview

How to Brilliantly End and Close an Education Job Interview

Do you close an education job interview effectively? Whether you feel your teaching interview has gone well or you have a sinking feeling you didn’t get the job, you need to leave the interview on a positive note.

Let’s learn how to close an education job interview successfully.

Many teachers or other educators have left an interview feeling like they’ve blown it, only to receive a phone call a few days later offering them the teaching job.

Read these tips to ensure you don’t make any interviewing mistakes.

Your interviewer will remember you best at the end of the interview. Go the extra mile to ensure you leave on a strong note.

Close an Education Job Interview with These Tips and Strategies

1.    Ask Relevant, Thoughtful Questions

The night before your job interview, prepare a few questions you can ask at the end – you will usually be given an opportunity. Make the questions relevant and insightful, and ensure you couldn’t find the answers through their website or other print material about the school. If you do, they will know you haven’t done your homework.

Ask questions relevant to the teaching or school administrator’s daily activities. Inquiring about current school activities will show your interest, capabilities, and motivation.

Perhaps you may wish to ask if there are any professional development opportunities you could take advantage of, showing you are willing to put in extra time and effort to improve your teaching skills and performance.

This is not the time to discuss wages, benefits, or other compensation concerns – save questions like these until you receive a job offer.

2.    Ask the Interviewer if They Require Further Information

Offer the school principal the opportunity to ask any lingering questions they may have regarding your expertise. This shows you know what you are doing and are fully prepared, and it will ensure you leave the interview with your interviewers having all the information to make an informed decision. Find out if anything else is required before moving on to the next step, such as transcripts, a portfolio, and a background check.

3.   Next Step in The Process

Ask the interviewer what the next step is in the hiring process and when you should expect to receive a phone call. This gives you an excellent timeline to prepare for the next step and does not leave you wondering when you might receive a call. Furthermore, this is a great way to show your enthusiasm for the position and your desire to work at that particular school.

4.    Stand Up Against the Competition

There is no harm in finding out how many people you are up against. Ask how many other people are interviewing for this same position. Inquire as to how well you have done. You may wish to word this as, “How do I look so far in comparison to the competition?” Ask the question once, and do not pressure the interviewer if they do not want to discuss it.

This tactic accurately reflects how you performed and whether you will advance in hiring. Plus, the interviewer will appreciate your frankness and openness. Learn from any feedback you may receive and use it at your next interview.

5.    Restate Your Interest in the Position

There is nothing wrong with coming out and saying how much you want to work at this school. Do not beat around the bush; let the interviewer guess if you wish to work there. You will leave an excellent, lasting impression on your interviewer by closing out your interview with enthusiasm and interest.

6.    Offer a Firm Handshake

Smile, make eye contact, and firmly, but not too aggressively, grip your interviewer’s hand. If there is more than one interviewer, it is best to shake everyone’s hand. This will show your professionalism, understanding of manners and etiquette, and the possibility of being an excellent example for your students and a good team player. End an interview with a firm handshake.

7.    Say Thank You

Thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity to convey your passion for teaching and the specific teaching position with the school. Remember, they didn’t have to offer you an interview, but they did. Make sure you let them know it is appreciated.

8.    Leave a Business Card

This is a brilliant way to give the interviewer easy access to your contact information. It is a little and constant reminder of who you are. If the decision-maker looks at the business card even once or twice, they will better remember you. Standing out amongst the competition is a priority.

9.    Send a Thank You Letter

Sending a thank you letter is a crucial step that follows the interview. This letter is a polite way to thank you for the opportunity and pleasure of an interview. It effectively highlights your outstanding qualifications and passion for teaching and conveys your enthusiasm for working for that particular school. Mention something in the letter that connects to a conversation in the interview.

Close an education job interview confidently and professionally by following the tips above.