Zoom or Skype video teacher job interviews are skyrocketing; if you need a video job interview coach or consultant, contact us.
Zoom video conferences or online academic job interview meetings have been a game-changer for recruiters, school districts, employers, and job seekers.
In recent years, Skype or Zoom video has been a popular platform to conduct interviews, and now there are many other types of video meeting conferencing tools or applications.
As you would know, one of the most crucial parts of the job search process is the interview. There are many types of meetings in the education sector. Whether you have one or two sessions or conversations, this is the last stage before being offered the position. If possible, determine how you will be evaluated at the meeting and know what you need to do to ace it.
Types of teacher job interviews:
• Telephone Screening Interview
• Dinner Interview
• Behavioral Descriptive Interview
• Stress Interview
• One-on-One Interview
• Panel Interview
• Follow-up Interview
• Video Conference Job Interview
This post will take a look at the Skype and Zoom video conference job interviews.
As global competition increases, so do the applicant pool and some positions out there. Technology has allowed a person in one city to apply and interview for a job in another geographical area easily.
Using video conferences for a job interview is being implemented worldwide. It’s essential to be prepared for the possibility of a video interview, particularly if you are knowingly submitting resumes in cities other than your own.
How is a webcam interview similar to an in-person teacher job interview?
• Dress cleanly and appropriately, from head to toe. Try to stay current with business fashion trends.
• Act polite and professional during the entire course of the interview, just like an in-person interview.
• Prepare and practice as much as possible.
• Show up on time, if not early.
• Leave your cell phone, and other electrical devices turned off.
• Remain positive at all times, and refrain from bad-mouthing a former employer or colleague.
• Have a printed copy of your resume with you during the interview.
• The interviewer will allow you to ask questions of your own at the end of the conversation.
• The hiring manager will ask the same types of job interview questions, regardless of format:
15 traditional job interview questions:
1. Tell me a little bit about yourself?
2. What is your work style or work ethic?
3. Why are you the best person for this job?
4. Why do you want this job?
5. Do you work better independently or in a team?
6. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?
7. How do you handle stress?
8. What is your ideal work environment?
9. What do you know about our school or organization?
10. Could you provide the reasons for wanting to work for us?
11. What have you learned from past mistakes?
12. What was your most significant work accomplishment? Why?
13. Was there a time you had to make an unpopular decision? (behavioral descriptive question)
14. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to accept an idea of yours. (behavioral descriptive question)
15. Give me an example of a time when you needed to motivate a team of people to get a project or job completed. (behavioral descriptive question)
As with any job interview, preparation is essential!
Practice answering the above questions in front of the mirror, in front of the video camera, and with family or friends. Keep in mind there are different stages of a teacher job interview. Ask others to provide you with constructive criticism, particularly regarding the pace of your speech, facial expressions, and content of your answers.
How is a webcam interview different than a regular face-to-face job interview?
Confidently execute a webcam interview.
Be prepared for other distractions in the background:
- Spouse, children, and pets.
- The phone ringing
- The doorbell ringing
- Be prepared for technological problems, such as a lost connection to the Internet.
- It is up to you to choose a well-lit, clean, and organized room to conduct your interview.
- There are more aspects to consider when choosing an outfit for the interview:
- White or sparkly clothing may reflect the light and cause glare; the same problem can occur with flashy jewelry.
- Red clothing articles can appear to “bleed” on the screen.
- Choose a solid pastel or neutral color or a simple pattern.
- Dress from head to toe. Even though you are in front of the computer, you may have to stand up at some point to get something, and you don’t want the interviewer to notice your fuzzy pajama bottoms or slippers.
- Dress for the role you are seeking. Treat it like a formal interview to ensure you act professionally.
Have the house to yourself during your video meeting. If this isn’t possible, secure a closed-door room, and make sure the other occupants of the house know not to interrupt you. Put a sign on the door as a reminder to them.
Keep all pets out of the room, as you don’t want a dog jumping up on your lap during the interview, a cat pouncing on the camera or keyboard, or a loud bird squawking in the background.
Once you have chosen the room to hold your interview, ensure that it is clean, tidy, and provides natural or non-harsh lighting.
Keep the windows closed to block out street noise as much as possible. Also, try to put a blank wall behind you, so the viewer on the other end has fewer distractions and can focus his or her full attention on you.
Furthermore, you must be proactive about potential technical problems and have a plan in place. Check and double-check your Internet connection, webcam, and microphone. Understand how all aspects of your webcam work, primarily if you haven’t used it before.
Skype and Zoom interviews are used for hiring teachers to teach internationally occasionally. Knowing what personal attributes the hiring managers or recruiters are looking for when hiring an international teacher.
Do a dry run with a family member, career coach, or friend on the other end of the video conference. As mentioned above, have the person provide you with constructive feedback about how you look and sound over the camera.
If the audio or video cuts out during the actual conference call, stay calm and professional and not yell or curse. The person at the other end may still be able to see and hear you. If you can’t continue your job interview, attempt to contact the interviewer by telephone or email and reschedule the meeting.
Other issues to consider when conducting a webcam interview:
• Look at the video camera, not the screen.
• Speak in a clear and audible tone. Pace yourself when answering questions to enunciate, and make sure the interviewer can hear you clearly on the other end.
• Introduce yourself as you would in an in-person interview.
• Choose a chair that forces you to sit upright and maintain a good posture and be comfortable for the conversation’s duration. Do not slouch or become so relaxed that you forget you are still in a job interview.
• Minimize hand talking, as you don’t want to detract from the information you are providing, block the camera’s view, or accidentally knock the computer or camera around.
• Do not make unnecessary noise that the microphone may pick up on or amplify.
• Shut down other software programs that are not needed, guaranteeing fewer technical problems and the temptation to play on another program in the background.
• Have a glass of water within reach in case you become parched during the interview.
• A transmission problem can delay you in answering the interviewer’s question and them responding. Just pause a few seconds longer and wait for them to respond.
• Remember to smile! Even though you are looking at a camera, you are still talking to a human being on the other end.
There are more tips on video job interviews here.
Regardless of the type of teaching job interview you attend, please send a thank you letter after. Send this letter within 48 hours of the meeting. If there was more than one person on the other end of the video conference, send each person a message.
Address the job search documents appropriately to the right person with the correct spelling if you can’t remember the interviewers’ full names or positions, phone the human resources department to clarify.
A thank you letter is also an opportunity to highlight the major points discussed during the meeting. Create bullet points of five to seven of your best accomplishments or most essential traits such as job experience or education.