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Tactics to Control Job Interview Anxiety During a Teaching Interview

Tactics to Control Job Interview Anxiety During a Teaching Interview

Are you a teacher that suffers from job interview anxiety? Are you faced with job search difficulty, obstacles, or depression? Controlling anxiety before and during a job interview can be a huge hurdle for those looking for a teaching position.

Increasing interviewing confidence to control the outcome and land a job offer is one of the keys to success.

If you suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), job interviews can be not only anxiety-provoking but almost impossible to get through. Not only are you required to meet strangers and talk about yourself, but the strangers are in a position of authority. Job interview anxiety escalates because you are being evaluated and judged on your appearance, demeanor, and ability to market yourself. Definitely, not the right combination for those with SAD.

Seek formal treatment if you suffer from SAD. Use the following job interview anxiety strategies to alleviate nervous feelings before a meeting.

If you have SAD or are only apprehensive about a job interview, the following tips may help you to cope with anxiety:

Tips to Cope with Job Search Anxiety

 Treat Yourself Well

Avoid caffeine, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. By following these three simple rules, you will significantly reduce job interview anxiety. Feeling physically and mentally excellent will help you to be prepared to show passion in the interview. Showing your love for teaching and education is critical to job interview success.

 Visualize Success

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and imagine yourself being successful in your interview. Visualizing success is more than just positive thinking. When visualization is done correctly, you are getting your brain ready to behave in the desired way. Elite athletes use this technique before competing to improve performance.

 Reduce Stress

Reduce stress unrelated to the actual interview, such as uncomfortable or wrinkled clothing, getting lost, or showing up late. Well, in advance, choose a comfortable outfit and that looks good on you. If you aren’t familiar with the interview location, give yourself plenty of time to find it or do a trial run a day or two before.

Do Your Research

Being well-prepared is an excellent antidote to job interview anxiety. Research your potential school and its principal. Prepare answers to typical interview questions. Every bit of preparation you do will increase your comfort level and make you feel more confident and capable in the interview.

 Don’t Succumb to Pressure.

Once in a while, you may be interviewed by someone who grills you to see how you handle stress. Although as a person with SAD, it can be tempting to start spiraling into automatic negative thinking, such as “He/She knows I can’t handle this job; I should never have applied” or “They don’t like me; I’ll never get the job,” stop!

If you find yourself in this situation, realize what the interviewer is trying to accomplish, and don’t let them ruffle your feathers. Know that the other candidates have been treated the same way and that it is no reflection on you or your capabilities.

If you have a top-notch resume, practice interview questions, research the school, and know your success stories going into the meeting, you will dramatically reduce job interview anxiety.

Do you need help preparing for the interview?

Connect with me, Candace.

Learn more about reducing job interview anxiety and other interviewing aspects by enlisting in my interview coaching service.