Four Cover Letter Writing Tips You Don't Want to Forget

Are you looking for cover letter writing tips to land a teaching or school administrator job interview? A cover letter is a crucial document that can enhance a job candidate's chances of landing a job interview during their education job search. If your teacher cover letter is designed in a manner that meets the needs of the school district, the reader will be motivated to move on to your teacher resume.

Once they have read your outstanding teaching resume, the school will likely contact you for a job interview. If created correctly, your cover letter also gives you an edge over other job seekers, as a personal touch demonstrates your passion for the profession.

If you search through the thousands of pages on this website you will find an abundance of cover letter writing tips for all types of educators, including higher education professors or instructors, school administrators, directors of colleges or universities, or elementary, middle or high school teachers. If you are a new teacher with no experience we have some special strategies to write your application letter.

A well-written teacher cover letter will also announce to the potential employer your communication and organization skills in advance, and set the stage for a meeting between the hiring manager and you. At this point the reader/interviewer should already know you are the type of candidate who is willing to go the extra mile for the school community and its students. 

Four Cover Letter Writing Tips You Don't Want to Forget

Epic Cover Letter Writing Tips to Secure a Teaching Job Interview

The letter of introduction should be an exceptional document and convey your unique value proposition, i.e. it is your platform to showcase your specific skill sets and other relevant accomplishments that will distinctly qualify you for the teaching job in the eyes of the potential employer. Listed below are some of the cover letter writing guidelines you should keep in mind, while developing your teacher cover letter. 


Cover Letter Writing Tip #1

Customize your cover letter by understanding the requirements of potential school districts.

At the outset, it is very important that the potential candidate understands the position requirements. This may include a certain educational background, years of experience in the field, technical knowledge, hard skills, and soft skills that are required for the job. It is very important you review the job criteria and incorporate these requirements into your new teaching cover letter. This demonstrates very clearly to the potential employer that you have the desired qualifications for the teaching job in a real and tangible way. Communicate the teaching skills and abilities school principals are looking for in a new teacher.

For example, if you are applying for a special education teacher position, you may want to mention your exceptional understanding of IEP's and ability to use them effectively to meet the needs of all students. You should also include your strength in coordinating and collaborating with other school community facility members, such as teachers, teacher's assistants, physical education instructors, speech therapists, and others. Other examples you might want to include (based on potential job position):


Cover Letter Writing Tip #2

Compose the cover letter keeping school district's needs in mind.

The next vital step, after reviewing your cover letter and customizing it to suit the requirements of the job, is to address the needs of the district and let them know why you are perfect for the position.

It is important to create your teacher cover letter in a manner that shows them the value you will bring to the school community and its students, as opposed to what you need from them. This will grab the hiring administrator's attention and entice them to continue reading. For example, if you know the school district has low reading scores, you would want to elaborate on your success in that area. Through research you may have discovered they have low parental involvement, so tell them the strategies you use to get parents involved.

For instance, if you are applying to a Title I school district that contains a socioeconomically diverse population, this information should be reflected in your resume. You may wish to say:


Cover Letter Writing Tip #3

You are the product, and you need to sell you in the cover letter.

The cover letter should package and sell the product well — namely you! Without sounding over the top, the cover letter should assertively communicate to the potential district why you are right for the job. The best way to achieve this is by highlighting your relevant strengths. This should be done subtly, and not with an egotistical description of yourself. Resumes are also used to market you – the product.

One way to ensure you do not come across as being cocky or arrogant is to have someone you trust read the letter and provide objective feedback. If you are unable to find someone to help, you can read the letter aloud, to yourself, and check if the tone and content are appropriate. If it sounds stilted, stiff, or too formal, then it has to be modified for a smoother flow that will communicate effectively to the reader in simple, sincere language, why you are right for the job.  

A good rule of thumb is to keep in mind that it is important to impress your potential employer with your skills and qualifications, and not necessarily with lofty language.

The world of education is constantly changing and advancing; therefore, it is crucial to maintain a strong knowledge base of current industry trends.

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Even though you want to keep flowery language to a minimum, incorporating industry keywords or buzzwords is essential for achieving a successful job search. By utilizing educational buzzwords, you are sure to pique the reader's interest. Some current teaching terms you should be aware of and integrate in your cover letter include:


Cover Letter Writing Tip #4

Keep the cover letter format simple and avoid clutter to enhance readability.

You want to address the letter to an individual, their title, name of district, and address. If you can't find a name, don't use Dear Sir/Madam or To Whom it May Concern. Try using, Dear Hiring Manager or Dear Recruitment Manager, etc. The recommended application letter format is the block format with either left or full justification. This promotes easy readability and visual appeal. The letterhead on your teacher cover letter should match your resume; thus, creating a professional and consistent look. The length should be limited to one page. The content, substance, tone, and language of the cover letter must show sincerity and demonstrate that you want the position for all the right reasons.

There are many cover letter writing tips including this one:

Before you send your teacher cover letter off to the desired district, make sure you proofread! Proofread more than once. You want your final document to be free of spelling errors, grammatical errors, and incorrect information about the position you are applying for. Furthermore, double-check your contact information and make sure it's up to date.

Of all the cover letter writing tips you will find on the website, communicating passion in your application letter is at the top of the list.

Many people believe cover letter writing is an art, and I agree with them. For that reason, you can always count on A+ Resumes for Teachers to create the perfect cover letter for teachers and school administrators alike!

Check out our resume and letter samples and our resume writing packages to get your job search started with top-notch documents to get you in the interview door.