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How Will You Approach Parent Teacher Conferences?

how will you approach parent teacher conferences?

A school administrator will ask you this question to determine your knowledge of the results parent-teacher conferences can have. Some parent-teacher conferences go really well, while others may have a negative effect, resulting in the administration becoming involved.

Regardless of how many parent-teacher conferences you have facilitated, there will always be difficult parents and children who may or may not listen to reason or agree with you. Before responding to this question, consider ways to turn a negative experience into a positive and devise methods for maximizing positive results.

Holding a successful parent-teacher conference all comes down to planning. This is the key to how you should approach a parent-teacher conference, and, therefore, this is what interviewers are looking for in your answer.

Determine your purpose for holding the meeting and the goals you wish to accomplish during the parent-teacher conference and in the future. Determining these things ahead of time will allow you to better plan the parent-teacher conference’s scope and help you prepare for it.

Delivery is another key factor when it comes to parent meetings. If a child is having problems in school, it is best to be direct but tactful and polite in the delivery.

Instead of focusing on just the negatives, compliment the parents on other areas their child excels in. On the other hand, if the student seems to excel in almost every area, determine whether there may be one or two areas they should work on to help them become well-rounded individuals.

When answering this question, you need to emphasize communication, effective listening, and cooperation between teacher and parent. It is a joint effort to ensure students receive a quality education and support in the home environment.

Talk to the parents and ask them if they have any additional ideas for helping their child. Families need to play an active role in educating children. They should have a say in how to accommodate the student and maximize the learning process. Be open and eager to listen to what the parents have to say. If you disagree with their methods, suggest ways to improve or adapt their ideas to what you have in mind.

Regardless of the “type” of student you are addressing, reassure the parents you are there to provide their child with quality education and will do everything in your power to make sure that they reach their fullest potential.

If you incorporate these ideas into your answer to this teacher interview question, you should positively impressed the interviewer. There are many other difficult questions to prepare for before entering the interview room.

If you would like to prepare yourself further, connect with Candace Alstad – Davies. For 16 years, she has helped teachers prepare for job interviews.